Sponsorship-fuelled breakfast program on the menu at Chancellor
July 14, 2023

AVID Property Group (AVID), the developer behind Palmview’s largest masterplanned community, Harmony, has backed local school – Chancellor State College, to support its all important Chaplaincy Breakfast Program.
The Program, which provides breakfast to more than 600 students and their families each week, encourages students to have a nutritious breakfast and connect with other students around them.
Chancellor State College Parents and Carers Association President Kylie McDonald said the grant from AVID enabled them to fund two new barbecues for the schools Chaplaincy Breakfast Program.
“Our previous barbecues were old and unsafe to use – we were desperate for new ones so we could continue the program and use them for other school events as well,” Ms McDonald said.
“The Chappy’s Breakfast runs twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday morning, providing pancakes and toasted sandwiches to around 400 primary school children and their parents and more than 200 high school students.
“Chappy’s breakfast is a whole community event and has been a great way for the school to stay connected with the students and their families.
“We are a large school, with more than 3,000 students across both campuses and growing, so we are always looking at different ways to encourage a broader community connection.
“We want to create a tight knit community and I think local businesses that support this play an important role.”
AVID Property Group General Manager Queensland Bruce Harper said AVID was proud to help fund the Chancellor State College’s Chaplaincy Breakfast Program and the important support that they provide to students and their families.
“It’s so important to have opportunities to check in with kids to make sure they are okay, and this program provides families and students with an informal way to sit down and connect,” Mr Harper said.
“Chancellor State College is just up the road from Harmony and is the school of choice for so many of our new families.“Sponsorships play an important role in shaping a community, and we are excited to launch a new range of grants for 2019 which are specifically designed to help our local Harmony community thrive.”For 2019, Harmony by AVID Property Group has two categories of community grants available – Activate and Connect – each designed to foster local community groups and create lasting connections within the vibrant Harmony community.
Harmony’s Activate grants will help support local initiatives at a grassroots level, with projects delivered within Harmony. The Connect category of grants will help to create lasting partnerships in and around the wider Harmony community, with previous Connect sponsorships including included the highly-successful Sunshine Coast Horizon Festival String Symphony.
Applications for Harmony’s Community Sponsorship and Grants Program are now open until Sunday 30 June 2019. For more information and how to apply, visit www.staging-harmony.staging67.com/harmony-sponsorship.