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Sing your heart out Harmony

October 17, 2024

The With One Voice Sunshine Coast Choir has arrived at Harmony, and you could be the newest member of this all-abilities choir!

We spoke with the Choir Conductor Ellie to get a taste and feel of what to expect when you join the ensemble.

“The main thing we are trying to achieve is community and bringing people together who have a shared love for music and singing. Of course, you will gain some singing skills, but confidence and happiness are two big things that are attributed to singing with other people,” she said.

“A typical rehearsal begins with tea, coffee and biscuits whilst chatting with our choral community about the week we have had. We have begun a ‘topic of the week’ where everyone shares something like a joke or their high point of the week which is a great conversation starter.

“Next, we begin our warmups for about 10 minutes, getting ready and singing in simple harmonies. Then we move on to our pieces! We currently have 6 or 7 pieces that we either know or are working on and we are about to start Christmas carols!

“After our pieces we pick one song to sing in full to end on a high note.”

This community-based choir is the perfect opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals and sing your heart out, no experience needed, with no audition process.

Find out more about how you can become a part of this community every Thursday from 6:00 – 7:30pm at Palmview Secondary State School – 17 Village Green Boulevard, Palmview QLD 4553: https://bit.ly/3yw0vfB