Our new terrace homeowners celebrate in style
November 12, 2024

We welcomed Harmony’s newest homeowners in style at the Harmony Sales and Information Centre with a special settlement event.
As the bubbles flowed our newest owners of an exclusive range of Villaworld Homes terraces mingled with their neighbours, looking towards the future of their lives here at Harmony.
We believe in fostering community connections between all our residents, new or old, whether they live next door or a few streets over.
Thank you to all our homeowners who joined us for this special welcome event, the first of many memories forged for our newest neighbours.
To keep up to date on what is happening in the Harmony community and all upcoming events for 2024, bookmark the news page on Harmony’s website, like and follow our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram.
Be sure to give them a wave if you see them out and about in the community!